Beware of These Misleading Food Labels

Plus, getting started with the Mediterranean way of eating

Hello again!

This week’s issue looks at common misleading food labels (what does “no cholesterol” really mean, anyway?), as well as how to get started with the Mediterranean Diet—which is actually a way of eating, or a way of life, so I hesitate to call it a “diet.”

And there are just 2 DAYS LEFT to take advantage of this offer: As I mentioned in last week’s newsletter, in honor of American Heart Month, I’m offering a 15% discount on Premium subscriptions for the entire month of February. When you upgrade to Premium, you receive bonus content in every issue, plus discounts on products and services, free health guides, eligibility for free giveaways, and more! And, for the month of February, all new Premium subscribers get their first free health guide: "10 Heart-Pumping Date Ideas"!

Also, because the much longer, end-of-the-month “news-zine” has not been as popular, based on reader feedback, I’ve decided to stick with the more popular weekly heart-health news format every week, which is what so many of you have told me you enjoy most. 🙂

And, as always, Premium subscribers get bonus content!

To your health,

Yasmine S. Ali, MD

Weekly Heart-Health News: The Highlights

My Take:

This is a great article for helping to decipher food labels, especially those with misleading claims. Often, I see meaningless claims like “gluten-free” or “cholesterol-free” on items, like vegetables, that would (or should) never have gluten or cholesterol in them in the first place!

Keep in mind, as this article points out, that cholesterol is found only in animal products, and gluten only in certain grain-based products. Furthermore, just because a product is “gluten-free” doesn’t make it a healthier choice.

So have a look at this quick list, which also gives an excellent, brief overview of what to look for in products that proclaim they are “made with real fruit/vegetables” and those that are “lightly sweetened.”

Premium members, see below for more information on reading food labels.

This past weekend, I made my second successful rendition of Suzy Karadsheh’s “Eggplant Fatteh with Garlicky Tahini-Yogurt Sauce,” from her marvelous cookbook, The Mediterranean Dish:

And I know that a few lucky Premium subscribers who were winners in last year’s holiday cookbook giveaway have this cookbook, so if you’ve made this recipe (or any others), please let me know!

You’ll continue to hear from me about the heart-health benefits of the Mediterranean Diet, which is the dietary pattern I follow in my daily life, because it is one of the healthiest ways of eating for your heart and your whole body. Here are some more tips on getting started with the Mediterranean Diet:

Premium Content

The Diet to Ward Off Sleep Apnea

How to Read Nutrition Labels: A Primer

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