The Great Outdoors

A Parks Prescription for Stress Relief

Hello again!

April is Stress Awareness Month, and since stress plays such a major role in heart disease and so many other illnesses, as you’ve read before in this newsletter, we’ll be taking a look at stress-relief techniques in each issue of Speak for the Heart this month.

And speaking of stress relief, National Parks Week begins this Saturday here in the US (from April 20 - 28), and there is no better way to relieve stress than being active outdoors. See below for more details.

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To your health,

Yasmine S. Ali, MD

Weekly Heart-Health News: The Highlights

My dog was as excited as I was to find out about the Healthy Parks Healthy Person program this past weekend! Shown here with program director Stacey Levine.

My Take:

So much research has shown the health benefits of getting active outdoors. From cardiovascular fitness to mental health, there are so many ways that interacting with nature can improve our well-being.

This program, Healthy Parks Healthy Person, is a partnership between the Tennessee State Parks and the TN Department of Health, to help incentivize more of us to get outdoors. It’s a FREE program in which you can earn rewards through activities like walking, hiking, biking, yoga, playing golf, and more.

You can sign up on the mobile app or through a web browser (just click on the article above). I’ve signed up myself, and am already earning points toward rewards every day! I encourage you to do so as well. 🙂 

My Take:

And here are more great benefits for health and wellness, directly from our National Parks!

Plus, beginning this Saturday, for National Parks Week, entrance fees will be waived at all National Parks from April 20 - 28!

Do YOU have a favorite national park? Do you plan to visit one this April or in the coming months?

My favorite national park:

I’ll have more about our national parks and National Parks Week in tomorrow’s issue of Positive Vibes, so if you’re not yet subscribed to that free newsletter (dedicated to good news and optimism), you can sign up here:

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How Exercise Changes the Brain (Hint: It’s Stress Related)

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