Which Side Should You Sleep On?

Plus, Irish brown soda bread!

Hello again and happy March!

March is National Sleep Awareness Month, and since so many struggle with getting enough sleep on a regular basis—and given how important adequate sleep is to heart and whole-body health—we’ll be taking a look at techniques to promote better sleep in each issue of Speak for the Heart this month.

In this issue, I also have a very special recipe for you, just in time for St. Patrick’s Day! See below for my Irish friend Maura Tynan’s recipe for brown soda bread.

And, as always, Premium subscribers get bonus content!

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To your health,

Yasmine S. Ali, MD

Weekly Heart-Health News: The Highlights

My Take:

Yahoo! didn’t talk to me for this article, but I do actually sleep on my side, with a king-size pillow between the legs from the knees to the ankles, not only for heart health, but for back, hip, and knee health as well. I’ll often include a pillow between my arms as well, which helps keep my upper back, shoulders, and neck aligned and alleviates pain from those areas. Some use a full-body pillow for the same purpose.

I found it fascinating to see what other cardiologists recommend, particularly for certain health conditions—I think you’ll find this article of interest too.

Which side do you sleep on? Or do you sleep primarily on your back? If you’re not sleeping well, waking up with joint or back pain, or have one of the medical conditions mentioned in this article, you may want to change your sleeping position.

My Take:

As you’ve seen in this newsletter before, adequate sleep is so important for good heart health and whole-person health. But what if you can’t fall asleep because you have too much on your mind or your mind is racing? This article has some great tips and strategies for dealing with that.

My Take:

If you’re struggling with high blood pressure (or want to be sure to prevent it), have a look at this article, which explains why getting enough good sleep on a regular basis is important for lowering your blood pressure and keeping it under control.

My Take:

My dear friend Maura has graciously allowed me to share with you her family recipe for homemade, authentic Irish brown soda bread. It’s easy to make! I’ve made it many times myself, and it is always delicious. As you’ll read in my post, it is also a healthy, high-fiber bread, full of whole grains.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! 💚 

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